Sunday, June 14, 2009

Verse of The Week: T.I. (The Way You Want It)

Didn't think I'd be giving T.I. anymore Verse of The Week honors, but I'm feeling the reflective state he's spittin' on this joint. Guess that's what happens when your 'bout to be sent to prison.

Verse of The Week

After careful consideration I've concluded,
tribulations make you great if you're willing to go through it,
they can hate all they want, but in the end whatever God intends,
to be will be, so put your trust in he and not the hearts of men.
We often question adversity's purpose stressin',
not recognizin' the blessin', often missin' the message,
who woulda thought I would emerge from the ruins and the wreckage,
even better than I was before the automatic weapons?
The lesson I took away make my testimony competitive,
enough to leave an impression on struggling adolescents,
who nobody invested, put forth the effort,
or took a second to push 'em to do their best, and promote forward progression,
statistically destined to be arrested, shot in a second,
that hopelessness just leads to depression, they disguise as aggression,
'til a federal felon pressin' to earn his way into heaven,
show up and show 'em professions and opportunity's present.
Potential is mental, your destiny is in your possession,
ambition and education is first and talent is second,
you get what you can envision,
if puttin' me in prison more important than keepin' 'em out, I respect your decision
(T.I., The Way You Want It, Verse 1)

Audio: The Way You Want It - T.I.

More: Verse of The Week

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