Monday, May 4, 2009

2009 NBA Playoffs: Boston Celtics vs Orlando Magic - Series Preview

(2) Boston Celtics vs (3) Orlando Magic

Offense Eff.: Boston (6) 108.1, Orlando (8) 107.2
Defense Eff.: Boston (2) 99.4, Orlando (1) 98.9
Pace: Boston (18) 92.7, Orlando (12) 94.6

Analysis: This series is probably the best series of any of the 4 second round matchups. The Lakers and Cavs should cruise into the conference finals and I think Denver will handle the Mavs, but this series looks to be a pretty even one. I personally think the Celtics will win for a couple reasons. The home court advantage is definitely huge as we have already seen and the Celtics own that. The second biggest reason I think the Celtics will win is because Orlando will be without Courtney Lee for what looks like at least the first two game and he is a much better defender than J.J. Reddick. Now maybe Mickael Pietrus will get more minutes for the Magic, but if not than that means Orlando will be trying to guard Rajon Rondo, Ray Allen, & Paul Pierce with Rafer Alston, J.J. Reddick, and Hedo Turkoglu. I don't know about you, but that's advantage Celtics in my book. I also think that the Magic are an older and slower team at the guard and forward positions than the Bulls, so the Celtics will not have as much problems defending Orlando as they did in the first round with the Bulls. Teams with quick, athletic guards and forwards are the teams that generally give the Celtics problems on defense, so I think the Celtics defense will be better in this series.

Now I do see a couple of advantages for the Magic. The first is obviously without KG, the Celtics are going to have their hands full with Dwight Howard. If there ever was a time for Howard to carry his team in the playoffs and prove that he is a true dominant big man than this is the time. He needs to get Kendrick Perkins into foul trouble, which will severely limit the Celtics effectiveness in guarding Howard. Any game that Perk can stay out of foul trouble, the Celtics should have a chance to win. The other advantage I see for the Magic is Rashard Lewis being guarded by Big Baby. Lewis definitely has a quickness advantage there and he needs to take Big Baby to the hole, instead of hanging outside shooting jumpers. The problem is that I'm not sure Lewis will actually do that and the Magic might stick to their three point shooting routine as usual.

Prediction: Celtics in 7

More: NBA & NBA Playoffs

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