Sunday, September 21, 2008

Verse of The Week

O.C. pops out of a brief hiatus to claim this week's Verse of The Week. This verse is off of a new joint from DJ K.O. upcoming album, Picture This.

Verse of The Week

O similar to films, except for Blade Trinity was weak
I'm part one, part two, not three
Nothing can stop me, lyrical disease,
spread epidemic out of control, follow the flow
Mush beyond novice, MC's pick up knowledge
and understand the wisdom, embrace me, every time is,
full strength out the gate,
pull up a chair, here's food for thought for a plate, even if you ate
I set 'em straight with no vulgar,
I put the fear of God in 'em quick with no torture,
It's what I call mental anguish
Pain, though it's physically painless
Mind chi at it's best to fight Angus
That's beef for those who don't understand the language
Try counting to 5 on 5 fingers
Without the stainless, O will leave 'em brainless
If you don't know, discover what this muthafucka name is
(O.C.,3 In The Chamber, Verse 1)

Audio: 3 In The Chamber - DJ K.O. feat O.C., Torae, & Kaze

More: Verse of The Week

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